
I just love spring break.

This morning, my television woke me up at 2 AM. So I get on the computer, but there's nobody to talk to. Because it's 2 AM. It took me a while, but I finally got back to sleep.
Then I woke up at 8. And that's when my day was ruined. All I have to say is that I hate limited too, and I think you know what I'm talking about.
Then I talked to my mom. Then I jumped on my sister's bed. And woke her up. And told her the limited too thing. Then she started to hit and kick and scratch me. So I left and watched Dora the Explorer.
Now I'm sitting at the dentist, while my sister is getting a tooth or two pulled out. Then we're going to iHop. And then I'm going to the movies with a few friends.
I get to end my day by working on my research paper.

Don't you wish you were me?

<3 AK

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